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Minecraft Adventure Books

Updated: Apr 19, 2022

These books are based off of the Minecraft video game, which is a wildly popular game that was first released in 2011 and now has 140 million active users. It now has a couple of variants and a mobile version. It's a deceptively simple looking game that many kids love to play. Like many other video game properties, Minecraft has bled over into other forms of media, including books.

MInecraft The Island is the first in a series of twelve very popular books based off of the game. Look below for the whole series.

If you have a kid that's into Minecraft, but you'd rather he or she spent more time reading than staring at a computer screen, Minecraft adventure books might do the trick.

There are guides and books about the game itself, but the fun ones are the adventure stories centered around characters from the word of Minecraft. Even reluctant readers who are more into playing games than reading will be sucked into these books.

Read a book. Have an adventure!

M. C. Gladd

If you're interested in a middle grade portal fantasy, check out my book, Nowonderland.

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